24 Feb 2025
Read time: 4 minute(s)
- VE 驱动:详见 VE 配置。
- GE 驱动:详见 GE 配置。
- DE 驱动:详见 Display 配置。
- mpp_test:测试 mpp_decoder 接口,解码视频或图片文件并通过 display 接口显示在屏幕上。目前支持 h264, jpg,png 的解码和显示,使用方式如下:
mpp_test -h
Usage: mpp_test [options]: -i input stream file name -t directory of test files -d display the picture -c enable compare output data -f output pixel format -l loop time -s save output data -h help Example1(test single file): mpp_test -i test.264 Example2(test some files) : mpp_test -t /usr/data/
- pic_test:测试 JPEG/PNG 图片解码和显示,相比于 mpp_test
pic_test -h
Usage: dec_test [options] Options: -i input stream file name -h help
注:GE 测试文件在luban-lite/packages/artinchip/mpp/mpp_test/ge_test, 需要把 test 整个文件复制到``SD 卡``根目录下
- ge_fill:测试位块填充的功能
Usage: ge_fill [Options]: -c, --circle test -n, --number of run, default run once -u, --usage
- ge_bitblt:测试位块搬移的功能
Usage: ge_bitblt [Options]: -c, --circle test -n, --number of run, default run once -u, --usage
- ge_rotate:测试图形旋转的功能
Usage: ge_rotate [Options]: -c, --circle test -n, --number of run, default run once -u, --usage
- ge_scan_order:测试在不同方向读取内存的功能的差异
ge_scan_order -u
Usage: ge_scan_order [Options]: -r, --region the region of screen (default 0),The range of region is 0~7 -m, --mode scan order flags for GE ctrl (default 0) --mode=0 scan order flags = MPP_LR_TB --mode=1 scan order flags = MPP_RL_TB --mode=2 scan order flags = MPP_LR_BT --mode=3 scan order flags = MPP_RL_BT -u, --usage -h, --help
- ge_dither:测试 Dither
ge_dither -u
Usage: ge_dither [Options]: -o, --dither_on, Select open dither (default 0), 0 :close 1 :open -s, --src_format, Select src format (default argb8888) -d, --dst_format, Select dst format (default argb4444) -u, --usage -h, --help, list the supported format and the test instructions
- ge_alpha_blending:测试 alpha
ge_alpha_blending -u
Usage: ge_alpha_blending [Options]: -s, --src_alpha_mode, Select src_alpha_mode (default 0), 0: pixel alpha mode, 1: global alpha mode, 2: mixded alpha mode -g, --src_alpha_global, Set src_alpha_global value (default 0), source global alpha value (0~255) -d, --dst_alpha_mode, Select dst_alpha_mode (default 0), 0: pixel alpha mode, 1: global alpha mode, 2: mixded alpha mode -p, --dst_alpha_global, Select dst_alpha_global value (default 0), destination global alpha value (0~255) -u, --usage
- ge_scale:测试图像缩放的功能
ge_scale -u
Usage: ge_scale [Options]: --Framebuffer uses double buffer in this test, ensure that fb0 is properly configure -t, --type, Select scale type (default 2) --type, 0: wide stretch, 1: height stretch, 2: width and height stretch -u, --usage
- ge_format:测试格式转换的功能
ge_format -u
Usage: ge_format [Options]: -m, --mode, select format conversion type (default rgbtorgb), Format conversion supports rgbtorgb, yuvtoyuv, yuvtorgb and rgbtoyuv. -u, --usage -h, --help to see more