24 Feb 2025
Read time: 16 minute(s)
本模块源码位于 source/artinchip/aic-mpp/middle_media 下,目录结构如下
aic-mpp |--middle-media |-base | |-inlcude | | |-aic_message.h //定义公共消息接口 | | |-aic_muxer.h //定义 muxer 接口 | | |-aic_stream.h //定义 stream 接口 | | | |-message //消息接口具体实现 | |-muxer //muxer 接口具体实现 | |-stream //stream 接口具体实现 | |-component //Recorder 组件 | |-src //middle media component 各组件具体实现 | | |-mm_muxer_component.c //封装组件,编码后封装成指定格式 | | |-mm_venc_component.c //视频编码组件,输入 YUV 数据,输出编码后的视频图像 | | |-mm_vin_component.c //视频输入组件,支持 DVP 和 文件输入 | |-mm_core.c //middle media component 公共核心接口具体实现 | |-inlcude //middle media component 公共头文件 | |-mm_component.h //middle media 各组件通用接口 | |-mm_core.h //middle media 组件对外核心接口 | |-mm_index.h //middle media 组件公共结构体 | |-recorder |-inlcude | |-aic_recorder.h //recorder 接口定义 | |aic_recorder.c //recorder 接口实现
recorder 在系统架构中的层次如下图

recorder 是中间件,向 App 提供 recorder 接口
recorder 视频编码调用 mjpeg_encoder
recorder 音频编码调用 暂未实现
recorder 视频输入操作 DVP driver 和 MPP VIN 提供的接口
recorder 音频输入操作 暂未实现
recorder 内部实现封装的功能
recorder 模块架构如下图,分为 3 层
第 1 层,recorder interface ,向上提供 recorder 接口,向下调用 mm 组件实现 recorder 功能。
第 2 层,component,提供统一的组件操作接口。每个组件完成特定的功能,比如视频编码,视频渲染等。
第 3 层,Base,提供 muxer,stream,message 接口和实现。
recorder 提供封装的功能,比如 MP4 封装
stream 提供封装流协议的功能,本地文件也看作是一种流协议,目前也只支持本地文件
message 为组件传递消息提供支持
目前支持 MP4 封装的本地文件,后续扩展其他流协议和封装格式,通过增加相应的 recorder 和 stream 实现

//视频编码配置 struct video_encoding_config { enum mpp_codec_type codec_type; s32 out_width; s32 out_height; s32 out_bit_rate; s32 out_frame_rate; s32 out_qfactor; // now must be out_width = in_width and out_height= in_height // case mjpeg encoder has no scale function s32 in_width; s32 in_height; s32 in_pix_fomat; }; //音频编码配置 struct audio_encoding_config { enum aic_audio_codec_type codec_type; int out_bitrate; int out_samplerate; int out_channels; int out_bits_per_sample; int in_samplerate; int in_channels; int in_bits_per_sample; }; //录像配置 struct aic_recorder_config { int file_duration; // unit:second one file duration int file_num; // 0-loop, >0 record file_num and then stop recording. int file_muxer_type; // only support mp4 int qfactor; s8 has_video; s8 has_audio; struct audio_encoding_config audio_config; struct video_encoding_config video_config; }; //抓拍信息 struct aic_record_snapshot_info { s8 *file_path; }; //录像事件类型 enum aic_recorder_event { AIC_RECORDER_EVENT_NEED_NEXT_FILE = 0, AIC_RECORDER_EVENT_COMPLETE, // when file_num > 0,record file_num then send this event AIC_RECORDER_EVENT_NO_SPACE, AIC_RECORDER_EVENT_RELEASE_VIDEO_BUFFER // notify app input_frame has used. }; //视频输入源 enum aic_recorder_vin_type { AIC_RECORDER_VIN_FILE = 0, AIC_RECORDER_VIN_DVP, AIC_RECORDER_VIN_USB, }; //事件回调函数 typedef s32 (*event_handler)(void *app_data, s32 event, s32 data1, s32 data2);
函数原型 | struct aic_recorder *aic_recorder_create(void) |
功能说明 | 创建 recorder 对象 |
参数定义 |
返回值 | recorder 对象 |
注意事项 | - |
函数原型 | s32 aic_recorder_destroy(struct aic_recorder *recorder) |
功能说明 | 销毁 recorder 对象 |
参数定义 |
recorder:recorder 对象
返回值 |
注意事项 | 在 IDLE 和 STOPPED 状态起作用 |
函数原型 | s32 aic_recorder_init(struct aic_recorder *recorder, struct aic_recorder_config *recorder_config) |
功能说明 | 初始化 recorder 对象 |
参数定义 |
recorder:recorder 对象 recorder_config: recorder 配置
返回值 |
注意事项 | 在 IDLE 和 STOPPED 状态起作用 |
函数原型 | s32 aic_recorder_start(struct aic_recorder *recorder) |
功能说明 | 启动录像,创建音视频编码线程和音视频输入线程 |
参数定义 | recorder:recorder 对象 |
返回值 |
注意事项 | 在 PREPARED 状态起作用 |
函数原型 | s32 aic_recorder_stop(struct aic_recorder *recorder) |
功能说明 | 停止录像,释放音视频编码线程和音视频输入线程 |
参数定义 | recorder:recorder 对象 |
返回值 |
注意事项 | 任意状态可以调用该函数来停止录像。切换文件时一定要调用 aic_recorder_stop。 |
函数原型 | s32 aic_recorder_set_input_file_path(struct aic_recorder *recorder, char *video_uri, char *audio_uri) |
功能说明 | 视频输入源为文件时,设置文件路径 |
参数定义 |
recorder:recorder video_uri:视频源文件路径
返回值 |
注意事项 | 在 IDLE 和 STOPPED 状态起作用 |
函数原型 | s32 aic_recorder_set_output_file_path(struct aic_recorder *recorder,char *uri) |
功能说明 | 设置输出录像文件路径 |
参数定义 |
recorder:recorder 对象,uri:媒体文件路径
返回值 |
注意事项 | 在 IDLE 和 STOPPED 状态起作用 |
函数原型 | s32 aic_recorder_set_event_callback(struct aic_recorder *recorder, event_handler event_handle) |
功能说明 | 设置录像事件回调函数 |
参数定义 |
recorder:recorder 对象,event_handle:监听事件函数
返回值 |
注意事项 | 一定要注册,录像结束通过回调函数通知 |
函数原型 | s32 aic_recorder_snapshot(struct aic_recorder *recorder, struct aic_record_snapshot_info *snapshot_info) |
功能说明 | 触发一次抓拍事件 |
参数定义 |
recorder:recorder 对象,snapshot_info:抓拍信息
返回值 |
注意事项 | 启动录像期间抓拍 |
函数原型 | s32 aic_recorder_set_vin_type(struct aic_recorder *recorder, enum aic_recorder_vin_type type); |
功能说明 | 设置视频输入源类型 |
参数定义 |
recorder:recorder 对象,type:视频输入源类型
返回值 |
注意事项 | 无 |
APP Demo
static void print_help(const char* prog) { printf("name: %s\n", prog); printf("Compile time: %s\n", __TIME__); printf("Usage: recoder_demo [options]:\n" "\t-i video input source\n" "\t-c recoder config file\n" "\t-h help\n\n" "Example1: recoder_demo -i dvp -c /sdcard/recoder.json\n" "Example2: recoder_demo -i file -c /sdcard/recoder.json\n"); } char *read_file(const char *filename) { FILE *file = NULL; long length = 0; char *content = NULL; size_t read_chars = 0; /* open in read binary mode */ file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (file == NULL) { goto cleanup; } /* get the length */ if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) { goto cleanup; } length = ftell(file); if (length < 0) { goto cleanup; } if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) { goto cleanup; } /* allocate content buffer */ content = (char *)malloc((size_t)length + sizeof("")); if (content == NULL) { goto cleanup; } /* read the file into memory */ read_chars = fread(content, sizeof(char), (size_t)length, file); if ((long)read_chars != length) { free(content); content = NULL; goto cleanup; } content[read_chars] = '\0'; cleanup: if (file != NULL) { fclose(file); } return content; } static cJSON *parse_file(const char *filename) { cJSON *parsed = NULL; char *content = read_file(filename); parsed = cJSON_Parse(content); if (content != NULL) { free(content); } return parsed; } struct recorder_context { struct aic_recorder *recorder; enum aic_recorder_vin_type vin_source_type; char config_file_path[256]; char video_in_file_path[256]; char audio_in_file_path[256]; char output_file_path[256]; char capture_file_path[256]; struct aic_recorder_config config; }; static int g_recorder_flag = 0; static struct recorder_context *g_recorder_cxt = NULL; static s32 event_handle(void *app_data, s32 event, s32 data1, s32 data2) { int ret = 0; struct recorder_context *recorder_cxt = (struct recorder_context *)app_data; static int file_index = 0; char file_path[512] = {0}; switch (event) { case AIC_RECORDER_EVENT_NEED_NEXT_FILE: // set recorder file name snprintf(file_path, sizeof(file_path), "%s-%d.mp4", recorder_cxt->output_file_path, file_index++); aic_recorder_set_output_file_path(recorder_cxt->recorder, file_path); printf("set recorder file:%s\n", file_path); break; case AIC_RECORDER_EVENT_COMPLETE: g_recorder_flag = 1; break; case AIC_RECORDER_EVENT_NO_SPACE: break; default: break; } return ret; } int parse_config_file(char *config_file, struct recorder_context *recorder_cxt) { int ret = 0; cJSON *cjson = NULL; cJSON *root = NULL; if (!config_file || !recorder_cxt) { ret = -1; goto _EXIT; } root = parse_file(config_file); if (!root) { loge("parse_file error %s!!!", config_file); ret = -1; goto _EXIT; } cjson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "video_in_file"); if (!cjson) { loge("no video_in_file error"); ret = -1; goto _EXIT; } strcpy(recorder_cxt->video_in_file_path, cjson->valuestring); cjson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "audio_in_file"); if (!cjson) { strcpy(recorder_cxt->audio_in_file_path, cjson->valuestring); } cjson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "output_file"); if (!cjson) { loge("no output_file error"); ret = -1; goto _EXIT; } strcpy(recorder_cxt->output_file_path, cjson->valuestring); cjson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "file_duration"); if (cjson) { recorder_cxt->config.file_duration = cjson->valueint * 1000; } cjson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "file_num"); if (cjson) { recorder_cxt->config.file_num = cjson->valueint; } cjson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "qfactor"); if (cjson) { recorder_cxt->config.qfactor = cjson->valueint; } cjson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "video"); if (cjson) { int enable = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "enable")->valueint; if (enable == 1) { recorder_cxt->config.has_video = 1; } recorder_cxt->config.video_config.codec_type = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "codec_type")->valueint; printf("codec_type:0x%x\n", recorder_cxt->config.video_config.codec_type); if (recorder_cxt->config.video_config.codec_type != MPP_CODEC_VIDEO_DECODER_MJPEG) { ret = -1; loge("only support MPP_CODEC_VIDEO_DECODER_MJPEG"); g_recorder_flag = 1; goto _EXIT; } recorder_cxt->config.video_config.out_width = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "out_width")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.video_config.out_height = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "out_height")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.video_config.out_frame_rate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "out_framerate")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.video_config.out_bit_rate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "out_bitrate")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.video_config.in_width = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "in_width")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.video_config.in_height = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "in_height")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.video_config.in_pix_fomat = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "in_pix_format")->valueint; } cjson = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "audio"); if (cjson) { int enable = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "enable")->valueint; if (enable == 1) { recorder_cxt->config.has_audio = 1; } recorder_cxt->config.audio_config.codec_type = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "codec_type")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.audio_config.out_bitrate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "out_bitrate")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.audio_config.out_samplerate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "out_samplerate")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.audio_config.out_channels = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "out_channels")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.audio_config.out_bits_per_sample = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "out_bits_per_sample")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.audio_config.in_samplerate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "in_samplerate")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.audio_config.in_channels = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "in_channels")->valueint; recorder_cxt->config.audio_config.in_bits_per_sample = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson, "in_bits_per_sample")->valueint; } _EXIT: if (root) { cJSON_Delete(root); } return ret; } static int parse_options(struct recorder_context *recoder_ctx, int cnt, char **options) { int argc = cnt; char **argv = options; struct recorder_context *ctx = recoder_ctx; int opt; if (!ctx || argc == 0 || !argv) { loge("para error !!!"); return -1; } optind = 0; while (1) { opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:c:h"); if (opt == -1) { break; } switch (opt) { case 'i': if (strcmp(optarg, "dvp") == 0) { ctx->vin_source_type = AIC_RECORDER_VIN_DVP; } else { ctx->vin_source_type = AIC_RECORDER_VIN_FILE; } break; case 'c': strcpy(ctx->config_file_path, optarg); break; case 'h': default: print_help(argv[0]); return -1; } } return 0; } static void show_cpu_usage() { #if defined(LPKG_USING_CPU_USAGE) && defined(RECODER_DEMO_PRINT_CPU) static int index = 0; char data_str[64]; float value = 0.0; if (index++ % 30 == 0) { value = cpu_load_average(); #ifdef AIC_PRINT_FLOAT_CUSTOM int cpu_i; int cpu_frac; cpu_i = (int)value; cpu_frac = (value - cpu_i) * 100; snprintf(data_str, sizeof(data_str), "%d.%02d\n", cpu_i, cpu_frac); #else snprintf(data_str, sizeof(data_str), "%.2f\n", value); #endif printf("cpu_loading:%s\n",data_str); } #endif } static void *test_recorder_thread(void *arg) { struct recorder_context *recorder_cxt = (struct recorder_context *)arg; while (!g_recorder_flag) { show_cpu_usage(); usleep(100*1000); } if (recorder_cxt && recorder_cxt->recorder) { aic_recorder_stop(recorder_cxt->recorder); aic_recorder_destroy(recorder_cxt->recorder); recorder_cxt->recorder = NULL; } if (recorder_cxt) { free(recorder_cxt); recorder_cxt = NULL; } printf("test_recorder_thread exit\n"); return NULL; } #define BUFFER_LEN 32 int recorder_demo_test(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret = 0; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t thread_id; struct recorder_context *recorder_cxt = NULL; g_recorder_flag = 0; recorder_cxt = malloc(sizeof(struct recorder_context)); if (!recorder_cxt) { loge("malloc error"); return -1; } memset(recorder_cxt, 0x00, sizeof(struct recorder_context)); if (parse_options(recorder_cxt, argc, argv)) { goto _EXIT; } g_recorder_cxt = recorder_cxt; if (parse_config_file(recorder_cxt->config_file_path, recorder_cxt)) { loge("parse_config_file %s error", recorder_cxt->config_file_path); goto _EXIT; } #ifdef _THREAD_TRACE_INFO_ memset(&thread_trace_infos,0x00,sizeof(struct thread_trace_info)); for (int i = 0; i < 6 ;i++) { snprintf(thread_trace_infos[i].thread_name,sizeof(thread_trace_infos[i].thread_name),"%s%02d","pth",i); printf("%s\n",thread_trace_infos[i].thread_name); } rt_scheduler_sethook(hook_of_scheduler); #endif recorder_cxt->recorder = aic_recorder_create(); if (!recorder_cxt->recorder) { loge("aic_recorder_create error"); goto _EXIT; } if (aic_recorder_set_event_callback(recorder_cxt->recorder, recorder_cxt, event_handle)) { loge("aic_recorder_set_event_callback error"); goto _EXIT; } if (aic_recorder_init(recorder_cxt->recorder, &recorder_cxt->config)) { loge("aic_recorder_init error"); goto _EXIT; } aic_recorder_set_vin_type(recorder_cxt->recorder, recorder_cxt->vin_source_type); aic_recorder_set_input_file_path(recorder_cxt->recorder, recorder_cxt->video_in_file_path, NULL); if (aic_recorder_start(recorder_cxt->recorder)) { loge("aic_recorder_start error"); goto _EXIT; } pthread_attr_init(&attr); attr.stacksize = 2 * 1024; attr.schedparam.sched_priority = 30; ret = pthread_create(&thread_id, &attr, test_recorder_thread, recorder_cxt); if (ret) { loge("create test_recorder_thread failed\n"); } #include "msh.h" msh_exec("ps \n", strlen("ps \n")); return ret; _EXIT: if (recorder_cxt && recorder_cxt->recorder) { aic_recorder_stop(recorder_cxt->recorder); aic_recorder_destroy(recorder_cxt->recorder); recorder_cxt->recorder = NULL; } if (recorder_cxt) { free(recorder_cxt); recorder_cxt = NULL; } return ret; } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(recorder_demo_test, recorder_demo, recorder demo); int recorder_demo_cmd(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret = 0; static int capture_count = 0; struct recorder_context *recorder_cxt = g_recorder_cxt; if (argc < 1) { return -1; } if (strcmp(argv[1], "stop") == 0) { g_recorder_flag = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "snap") == 0) { struct aic_record_snapshot_info snap_info; snprintf(recorder_cxt->capture_file_path, sizeof(recorder_cxt->capture_file_path), "/sdcard/capture-%d.jpg", capture_count++); snap_info.file_path = (s8 *)recorder_cxt->capture_file_path; aic_recorder_snapshot(recorder_cxt->recorder, &snap_info); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "debug") == 0) { aic_recorder_print_debug_info(recorder_cxt->recorder); } return ret; } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(recorder_demo_cmd, recorder_demo_cmd, recorder demo cmd);