HRTimer 源代码位于 bsp/artinchip/:
bsp/artinchip/drv/hrtimer/drv_hrtimer.c,HRTimer Driver 层实现
bsp/artinchip/include/drv/drv_hrtimer.h,HRTimer Driver 层接口
bsp/artinchip/hal/pwmcs/hal_cap.c,PWMCS CAP 模块的 HAL 层实现
bsp/artinchip/include/hal/hal_cap.h,PWMCS CAP 模块的 HAL 层接口头文件
HRTimer 驱动 Driver 层采用 RT-Thread 的 hwtimer 设备驱动框架,如果只使用 HAL 层也可以支持 baremetal 方式的应用场景。

HRTimer 驱动的初始化接口通过 INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(drv_hwtimer_init) 完成,主要是通过调用 hwtimer 子系统的接口 rt_device_hwtimer_register() 注册一个 hwtimer 设备。
CAP 控制器的配置过程主要步骤如下:
初始化 PWMCS 模块的 clk,确保 PWMCS 模块的时钟已经正确配置并启用。
使能 CAP 指定通道的 clk,并设置为 PWM 计数模式,以便能够进行脉冲宽度调制(PWM)信号的捕获和计数。。
设置 CAP 的初始值 (cnt)。初始值决定了计数器从哪个数值开始计数。
使能 CAP 的中断功能,以便在特定事件发生时触发中断处理程序。。
启动 CAP 计数,使其开始对输入信号进行计数。。
struct aic_cap_arg { u16 available; u16 id; u32 freq; u32 prd; u32 irq_cnt; };
struct hrtimer_info {
char name[12];
u32 id;
rt_hwtimer_t hrtimer;
Driver 层接口设计
struct rt_hwtimer_ops { void (*init)(struct rt_hwtimer_device *timer, rt_uint32_t state); rt_err_t (*start)(struct rt_hwtimer_device *timer, rt_uint32_t cnt, rt_hwtimer_mode_t mode); void (*stop)(struct rt_hwtimer_device *timer); rt_uint32_t (*count_get)(struct rt_hwtimer_device *timer); rt_err_t (*control)(struct rt_hwtimer_device *timer, rt_uint32_t cmd, void *args); };
函数原型 | void drv_hrtimer_init(rt_hwtimer_t *timer, rt_uint32_t state) |
功能说明 | 初始化配置一路 Timer |
参数定义 |
timer - 指向 rt_hwtimer_t 设备的指针
state - 1,表示打开;0,表示关闭
返回值 | 无 |
注意事项 | - |
函数原型 | rt_err_t drv_hrtimer_start(rt_hwtimer_t *timer, rt_uint32_t cnt, rt_hwtimer_mode_t mode) |
功能说明 | 启动 Timer |
参数定义 |
timer - 指向 rt_hwtimer_t 设备的指针
cnt - Timer 的超时计数,单位是:1/Freq 秒
mode - Oneshot、或 Period 类型
返回值 | 0,成功;<0,失败 |
注意事项 | - |
函数原型 | void drv_hrtimer_stop(rt_hwtimer_t *timer) |
功能说明 | 停止 Timer |
参数定义 |
timer - 指向 rt_hwtimer_t 设备的指针
返回值 | 无 |
注意事项 | - |
函数原型 | rt_err_t drv_hrtimer_ctrl(rt_hwtimer_t *timer, rt_uint32_t cmd, void *args) |
功能说明 | HRTimer 驱动的 ioctl 接口 |
参数定义 |
timer - 指向 rt_hwtimer_t 设备的指针
cmd - ioctl 命令码
args - ioctl 命令相应的参数
返回值 | 0,成功;<0,失败 |
注意事项 | 目前仅支持设置 Timer 的 Freq 值 |
HAL 层接口设计
void hal_cap_ch_init(u32 ch); void hal_cap_ch_deinit(u32 ch); void hal_cap_int_enable(u32 ch, int enable); u32 hal_cap_is_pending(u32 ch); int hal_cap_set_freq(u32 ch, u32 freq); int hal_cap_set_cnt(u32 ch, u32 cnt); int hal_cap_get(u32 ch); int hal_cap_enable(u32 ch); int hal_cap_disable(u32 ch); void hal_cap_cnt_start(u32 ch); void hal_cap_cnt_stop(u32 ch); int hal_cap_init(void); int hal_cap_deinit(void); void hal_cap_status_show(void);
bsp/examples/test-hrtimer/test_hrtimer.c:/* Timer timeout callback function */ static rt_err_t hrtimer_cb(rt_device_t dev, rt_size_t size) { struct hrtimer_info *info = (struct hrtimer_info *)dev->user_data; if (g_debug) printf("%d/%d hrtimer%d timeout callback! Elapsed %ld us\n", g_loop_cnt, g_loop_max, info->id, aic_timer_get_us() - g_start_us); g_start_us = aic_timer_get_us(); g_loop_cnt++; if ((g_loop_max > 1) && (g_loop_cnt > g_loop_max)) rt_device_control(g_hrtimer_dev[info->id], HWTIMER_CTRL_STOP, NULL); return RT_EOK; } static void cmd_test_hrtimer(int argc, char *argv[]) { rt_err_t ret = RT_EOK; u32 c, ch = 0; rt_hwtimerval_t tm = {0}; rt_hwtimer_mode_t mode = HWTIMER_MODE_ONESHOT; optind = 0; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, sopts, lopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'm': if (strncasecmp("period", optarg, strlen(optarg)) == 0) mode = HWTIMER_MODE_PERIOD; continue; case 'c': ch = atoi(optarg); if (ch > AIC_HRTIMER_CH_NUM) { pr_err("Channel number %s is invalid\n", optarg); return; } continue; case 's': tm.sec = atoi(optarg); continue; case 'u': tm.usec = atoi(optarg); continue; case 'd': g_debug = 1; continue; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return; default: pr_err("Invalid argument\n"); usage(argv[0]); return; } } if ((tm.sec == 0) && (tm.usec == 0)) { pr_err("Invalid argument\n"); usage(argv[0]); return; } if (!g_hrtimer_dev[ch]) { char name[10] = ""; snprintf(name, 10, "hrtimer%d", ch); /* find timer device */ g_hrtimer_dev[ch] = rt_device_find(name); if (g_hrtimer_dev[ch] == RT_NULL) { pr_err("Can't find %s device!\n", name); return; } /* Open the device in read-write mode */ ret = rt_device_open(g_hrtimer_dev[ch], RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR); if (ret != RT_EOK) { pr_err("Failed to open %s device!\n", name); return; } } /* set timeout callback function */ rt_device_set_rx_indicate(g_hrtimer_dev[ch], hrtimer_cb); ret = rt_device_control(g_hrtimer_dev[ch], HWTIMER_CTRL_MODE_SET, &mode); if (ret != RT_EOK) { pr_err("Failed to set mode! ret is %d\n", ret); return; } printf("hrtimer%d: Create a timer of %d.%06d sec, %s mode\n", ch, tm.sec, tm.usec, mode == HWTIMER_MODE_ONESHOT ? "Oneshot" : "Period"); if (mode != HWTIMER_MODE_ONESHOT) { g_loop_max = HRTIMER_MAX_ELAPSE / (tm.sec * USEC_PER_SEC + tm.usec); printf("\tWill loop %d times\n", g_loop_max); } g_loop_cnt = 0; g_start_us = aic_timer_get_us(); if (!rt_device_write(g_hrtimer_dev[ch], 0, &tm, sizeof(tm))) { pr_err("set timeout value failed\n"); return; } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(cmd_test_hrtimer, test_hrtimer, test hrtimer);