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Luban OTA 升级包制作过程

4 Dec 2024
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OTA 升级包配置文件: sw-images.cfg

Luban 提供 sw-images.cfg 文件 ,用于指示会被打包进 OTA 升级包的文件。sw-images.cfg 文件路径为 ${TARGET_BOARD_DIR}/swupdate/sw-images.cfg
  • SPINAND 平台 sw-images.cfg
    ${TARGET_BOARD_DIR}/swupdate/sw-description: sw-description
    #下面这行给使用 Page 为 4K 的 SPINAND 方案预留, 目前注释掉

    指示打包 SWUpdate 升级包所需的各个文件的位置,这些文件会被拷贝到 out/images/swupdate 目录后生成 OTA 包。

  • eMMC 平台 sw-images.cfg
sw-images.cfg 使用说明
  • sw-images.cfg 文件名称是固定的,如果名称不对,则编译 OTA 升级包时会出错。

  • ${TARGET_BOARD_DIR}/swupdate 目录下的 sw-description 文件名称可以指定为其它,但需修改 sw-images.cfg 中的描述信息。将最终的文件打包到 OTA 升级包中,重命名为 sw-description 并放在第一个文件即可。

    比如将 sw-description 改为 sw-description-ubi,则在 sw-images.cfg 中添加如下信息:

    ${TARGET_BOARD_DIR}/swupdate/sw-description-ubi: sw-description

OTA 策略描述文件: sw-description

OTA 升级包需要包含 sw-description 文件以及升级使用的其他文件,包括 Kernel 和 RootFS。整个 OTA 升级包是 cpio 格式,且 sw-description 文件必须放在第一,包名称必须使用 .swu 后缀才能被 SWUpdate 程序识别到。

sw-description 文件是 SWUpdate 官方规定的 OTA 策略描述文件,具体语法可以参考 SWUpdate 官方文档,使用 libconfig 格式。

Luban 为 eMMC SPINAND 提供了一个示例,参考 sw-images.cfg,默认指定路径如下:

${TARGET_BOARD_DIR}/swupdate/sw-description: sw-description
SPINAND sw-description 文件使用说明
software =
    version = "";
    description = "Firmware update for Luban Project";

    stable = {
         * upgrade_recovery stage:
         * Running in main system, and upgrade the "recovery" partition,
         * then reboot to the new recovery system
         * Step1: Download image and upgrade the "recovery" partition
         * Step2: Setup bootenv "swu_entry, boot_partition, boot_os, swu_status"
         * Step3: Reboot to the new recovery system to run "upgrade_kernel"
         * 内层 entry, upgrade_recovery,
         * 当调用 swupdate xxx -e stable,upgrade_recovery 时, 会匹配到这部分, 执行{}内的动作,
         * 可以修改, 调用的时候传入匹配的字符串即可
        upgrade_recovery = {
            images: (
                    filename = "recovery";          //烧录文件名称
                    device = "/dev/mtd8";           //对应设备节点
                    type = "flash";                     //操作 mtd 分区
                    sha256 = "@recovery";           //自动获取对应镜像的 sha256 值

             * Some key env variables:
             * swu_boardname: The selected board name. Here is "stable"
             * swu_entry: The upgrade entry selection. Value can be
             * "upgrade_recovery" and "upgrade_kernel"
             * boot_os: SPL Falcon mode flag. Should be set to "no"
             * during OTA
             * swu_status: OTA status flag, Value can be "progress",
             * "finish"
             * swu_reboot: When this flag is set to "yes", the
             * system will be reboot when all works done for current
             * stage.
             * image 处理完以后, 需要设置一些标志, 切换状态,
             * swu_entry= upgrade_kernel, 下次升级 upgrade_kernel,
             * boot_partition= recovery, 下次引导 recovery 里面的内核启动,
             * boot_os= no, 临时关闭 Falcon 模式, 请查看后面注释信息,
             * swu_status OTA 升级的状态, 备用, Luban 添加,
             * swu_reboot=yes,升级 upgrade_recovery 完成, 和外部脚本配合, 指示外部脚本做 reboot 动作
            bootenv: (
                    name = "swu_entry";
                    value = "upgrade_kernel";
                    name = "boot_partition";
                    value = "recovery";
                    name = "boot_os";
                    value = "no";
                    name = "swu_status";
                    value = "progress";
                    name = "swu_reboot";
                    value = "yes";

        * upgrade_kernel stage:
        * Running in Recovery system, it will upgrade some key
        * partitions, then reboot to main system.
        * Step1: Download and upgrade partitons
        * Step2: Setup ENV variables, and mark OTA "finish"
        * Step3: Reboot to main system
        upgrade_kernel = {
            images: (
                    filename = "logo";
                    device = "/dev/mtd5";
                    type = "flash";
                    sha256 = "@logo";
                    filename = "kernel";
                    device = "/dev/mtd6";
                    type = "flash";
                    sha256 = "@kernel";
                    filename = "rootfs";
                    volume = "rootfs";                      //ubi 分区名称
                    installed-directly = true;      //读取升级镜像使用流控方式, 不用先拷贝到本地 flash 上
                    sha256 = "@rootfs";

            bootenv: (
                                name = "boot_partition";
                                value = "kernel";
                                name = "swu_param";         //情况环境变量
                                value = "";
                                name = "swu_boardname";
                                value = "";
                                name = "swu_entry";
                                value = "";
                            name = "swu_status";
                            value = "finish";
                            name = "swu_reboot";
                            value = "yes";
  1. U-Boot 环境变量 boot_partition 用来指导主系统和 Recovery 系统之间切换过程。

  2. 当 U-Boot 使能了 Falcon 功能,SPL 程序会直接引导内核启动,不会执行 U-Boot 程序,也就不会判断环境变量 boot_partition 进行系统之间的切换,因此需要通过设置 boot_osno,临时关闭 Falcon 功能。

eMMC sw-description 文件使用说明
software =
        version = "";
        description = "Firmware update for Luban Project";

        stable = {
                * upgrade_recovery stage:
                * Running in main system, and upgrade the "recovery" partition,
                * then reboot to the new recovery system
                * Step1: Download image and upgrade the "recovery" partition
                * Step2: Setup bootenv "swu_entry, boot_partition, boot_os, swu_status"
                * Step3: Reboot to the new recovery system to run "upgrade_kernel"
                upgrade_recovery = {
                        images: (
                                        filename = "recovery";
                                        device = "/dev/mmcblk0p10";
                                        type = "raw";       //eMMC 存储介质
                                        sha256 = "@recovery";

                        * Some key env variables:
                        * swu_boardname: The selected board name. Here is "stable"
                        * swu_entry: The upgrade entry selection. Value can be
                        * "upgrade_recovery" and "upgrade_kernel"
                        * boot_os: SPL Falcon mode flag. Should be set to "no"
                        * during OTA
                        * swu_status: OTA status flag, Value can be "progress",
                        * "finish"
                        * swu_reboot: When this flag is set to "yes", the
                        * system will be reboot when all works done for current
                        * stage.
                        bootenv: (
                                        name = "swu_entry";
                                        value = "upgrade_kernel";
                                        name = "boot_partition";
                                        value = "recovery";
                                        name = "boot_os";
                                        value = "no";
                                        name = "swu_status";
                                        value = "progress";
                                        name = "swu_reboot";
                                        value = "yes";

                * upgrade_recovery stage:
                * Running in main system, and upgrade the "recovery" partition,
                * then reboot to the new recovery system
                * Step1: Download image and upgrade the "recovery" partition
                * Step2: Setup bootenv "swu_entry, boot_partition, boot_os, swu_status"
                * Step3: Reboot to the new recovery system to run "upgrade_kernel"
                upgrade_kernel = {
                        images: (
                                        filename = "logo";
                                        device = "/dev/mmcblk0p8";
                                        type = "raw";
                                        sha256 = "@logo";
                                        filename = "kernel";
                                        device = "/dev/mmcblk0p9";
                                        type = "raw";
                                        sha256 = "@kernel";
                                        filename = "rootfs";
                                        device = "/dev/mmcblk0p11";
                                        type = "raw";
                                        installed-directly = true;  //使用流控方式
                                        sha256 = "@rootfs";

                        bootenv: (
                                        name = "boot_partition";
                                        value = "kernel";
                                        name = "swu_param";
                                        value = "";
                                        name = "swu_boardname";
                                        value = "";
                                        name = "swu_entry";
                                        value = "";
                                        name = "swu_status";
                                        value = "finish";
                                        name = "swu_reboot";
                                        value = "yes";

OTA 升级包生成工具 swupdate_pack_swu

制作 OTA 升级包通过功能命令 swupdate_pack_swu,相关文件路径如下:


swupdate_pack_swu 调用 cpio 命令进行打包。在主系统编译完成后,自动执行 swupdate_pack_swu 命令生成 <board>.swu

OTA 包组成:


使用下列命令可以解压 OTA 包:
cpio -idv < xxx.swu

升级脚本 swupdate_cmd.sh

OTA 的升级由 SWUpdate 程序完成, 但是如何使用 SWUpdate 完成整个 OTA 流程, 需要一个应用程序对流程进行控制。swupdate_cmd.sh 脚本就是一个 OTA 流程控制脚本。

swupdate_cmd.sh 脚本主要功能如下:

  1. 触发和进入 OTA 升级。

  2. 生成和传递合适的参数给 SWUpdate 程序。

  3. 阶段升级完成后,控制系统重启。

swupdate_cmd.sh 路径如下:

启动升级脚本命令解析 如下所示:
        while true
                swu_param=$(fw_printenv -n swu_param 2>/dev/null)
                swu_boardname=$(fw_printenv -n swu_boardname 2>/dev/null)
                swu_entry=$(fw_printenv -n swu_entry 2>/dev/null)
                swu_version=$(fw_printenv -n swu_version 2>/dev/null)   # 从 env 环境变量里面读取 swu 相关环境变量
                echo "swu_param: ##$swu_param##"
                echo "swu_boardname: ##$swu_boardname##"
                echo "swu_entry: ##$swu_entry##"

                [ x"$swu_version" != x"" ] && {         # 解析 swu_version
                        echo "now version is $swu_version"
                        check_version_para="-N $swu_version"

                [ x"$swu_entry" = x"" ] && {            # 如果$swu_entry 为空, 跳出 swupdate_cmd 函数
                        echo "no swupdate_cmd to run, wait for reboot swupdate"

                echo "###now do swupdate###"

                echo "##swupdate -v$swu_param -e "$swu_boardname,$swu_entry" ##"
                swupdate -v$swu_param -e "$swu_boardname,$swu_entry"
                # 执行具体的升级过程

                swu_reboot=$(fw_printenv -n swu_reboot 2>/dev/null)
                echo "swu_reboot: ##$swu_reboot##"
                if [ x"$swu_reboot" = "xyes" ]; then    # $swu_reboot == yes 强制重启
                        fw_setenv swu_reboot
                        reboot -f

                sleep 1

# 当$swu_entry 为空, 跳转到此处执行程序
mkdir -p /var/lock

# 读取传递的参数信息,写入到环境变量里面
[ $# -ne 0 ] && {
        echo "config new swupdate"
        echo "swu_input: ##$swu_input##"

        swu_param=$(echo " $swu_input" | sed -E 's/ -e +[^ ]*//')
#       echo "swu_param: ##$swu_param##"
        echo "swu_param=$swu_param" > /tmp/swupdate_param_file
        swu_param_e=$(echo " $swu_input" | awk -F ' -e ' '{print $2}')
        swu_param_e=$(echo "$swu_param_e" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}')
        swu_boardname=$(echo "$swu_param_e" | awk -F ',' '{print $1}')
#       echo "swu_boardname: ##$swu_boardname##"
        echo "swu_boardname=$swu_boardname" >> /tmp/swupdate_param_file
        swu_entry=$(echo "$swu_param_e" | awk -F ',' '{print $2}')
#       echo "swu_entry: ##$swu_entry##"
        echo "swu_entry=$swu_entry" >> /tmp/swupdate_param_file
        fw_setenv -s /tmp/swupdate_param_file
#       一次写入所有的环境变量,延长存储介质寿命

        echo "## set swupdate_param done ##"


# 跳转到 swupdate_cmd 执行程序

当带参调用 swupdate_cmd.sh 时,脚本取出 “-e xxx,yyy” 部分信息并保存到 swu_boardnameswu_entry 环境变量, 将其余参数原样保存到 swu_param 环境变量。

SPINAND 主系统下启动升级命令:

./usr/lib/swupdate/swupdate_cmd.sh -i /mnt/ota/d211_per2_spinand.swu -e stable,upgrade_recovery

自动调用 swupdate $swu_param -e “$swu_boardname,$ swu_entry”启动升级。

Recovery 系统下启动升级命令过程

当不带参调用 swupdate_cmd.sh 时,脚本从 env 读取 “swu_boardname”、“swu_entry”、“swu_param” 环境变量

SPINAND Recovery 系统下自动启动升级命令 ./usr/lib/swupdate/swupdate_cmd.sh

自动调用 swupdate $swu_param -e “$swu_boardname,$ swu_entry” 启动升级。


当主系统或者 Recovery 系统对应的程序升级完成以后,在 sw-description 文件中设置 swu_reboot =yes。swupdate_cmd.sh 在检测到该值以后会调用重启命令。


如果用户需要传递其它信息,比如 wifi 密码,ip 地址等,可以通过修改 swupdate_cmd.shenv.txt 里面添加设置对应。